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Friday, May 25, 2018

The Big Breakfast Dog with Bacon and Egg

by Gordon Hamilton

Gordon loves cooking and experimenting with food. He loves making new dishes, particularly with unusual or under-used ingredients.

Cook Time
Prep time: 5 min
Cook time: 20 min
Ready in: 25 min\
Yields: One serving


  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 dog
  • 3 or 4 slices of bacon, as required (UK readers: use streaky bacon, smoked or unsmoked)
  • 1 sub roll
  • Little bit of mayo
  • White pepper
  • Chopped chives to garnish

To Make

Put the eggs in to a pot of cold water and bring the water to a gentle simmer for about seven or eight minutes.

While the eggs are cooking, carefully wrap the hot dog evenly with the bacon and secure with cocktail sticks or toothpicks. Bring your deep frier or a deep pan of oil up to a medium to high heat.

Take the pot with the eggs to the sink and run cold water in it while you carefully lower the dog in to the hot oil.

Crack the shells on the eggs, peel and add to a bowl along with the mayo and some white pepper. Mash with the back of a fork.

The dog should take about five minutes to deep fry, after which time it should be lifted to a plate covered with kitchen paper to drain.

Very carefully, remove the cocktail sticks from the dog by twisting as you pull. Don't simply pull or you risk pulling the bacon off and/or damaging the dog.

Lift the dog in to the cut open sub roll, spoon on the egg mayo and garnish with the chopped chives.

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