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Thursday, June 14, 2018

British Chippie Style Dog with Brown Sauce and Pickled Onions

by Gordon Hamilton

Cook Time

Prep time: 20 min*
Cook time: 5 min*
Ready in: 25 min*
Yields: One serving
*Does not include chip cooking/preparation times


  • 1 dog
  • 2 tablespoon self-raising/rising flour
  • Salt
  • 1 sub roll
  • Homemade chips to serve
  • Pickled onions to serve
  • Brown sauce


  1. The bacon storing plastic dish featured further up this page as a means of storing hot dogs in the fridge is also a great dish for battering hot dogs. Add the flour, a good pinch of salt and very slowly begin adding cold water as you whisk with a fork.
  2. When you have a batter the consistency of thick cream, put the dish in to the fridge for the batter to rest for fifteen minutes. (Added too much water? Simply add a little bit more flour)
  3. Bring a deep frier or deep pan of oil up to a high heat.
  4. Dip the sausage in the batter ensuring it is evenly coated. Allow any excess to briefly drip off before carefully lowering in to the hot oil.
  5. Deep fry the hot dog for about five or six minutes until the batter is nicely crisp and golden. Lift to a plate covered with kitchen paper for a minute or so to drain.
  6. Sit the battered dog in the opened sub roll, drizzle with brown sauce and served with the chips and pickled onions.

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